Yes to Jesus

Have you given your “yes” to Jesus for the first time during Cause? Perhaps you’ve recommitted your life to Jesus or would like to welcome Jesus into your life. If so, you might like to start with a prayer, committing your life to Jesus.

Here’s a prayer that you can say to welcome Jesus into your life:

God, I realise now that I have lived my life away from you. I want to get to know you and I want to leave behind me all the things that drag me down.

I’m sorry for the things I’ve said and done, knowingly and unknowingly, that have been sinful. I see now that these were wrong and I ask for your forgiveness.

I welcome Jesus into my life, as I start a new chapter, and I promise to look to his example in all I say and do.

I gratefully welcome you as my heavenly Father and open every area of my life to the Holy Spirit and ask that the Holy Spirit would fill me.

Thank you for loving me, not giving up on me and waiting for me. Amen.


You might find these helpful…

If you have prayed this prayer in person or joined with us online and prayed along, we would firstly love to welcome and congratulate you!

You might find the following things helpful:

  • Firstly, tell someone who goes to church. You can chat about what’s happened and if you don’t know which church to try, you can try their church.

  • Secondly, download a copy of ‘Why Jesus’, this is great read and explains a bit more about Jesus and answers some questions you might have.

  • Thirdly, get hold of a Bible. If you can’t get one, let us know and we’ll send you one. Your friend or a church might also be able to help you get one and chat to you about how to read it.

  • Finally, find a church near you. You can use the Vineyard Churches ‘church finder’ to find your nearest Vineyard church, or you may already know of a church near you.

We would love to hear from you if you gave your ‘yes’ to Jesus during Cause. Fill in the form below and we will get in touch, or pass on your details to a church near you.